When we encounter errors/issues in an SRM document (like POs, shopping cart and SRM/EP related SAP objects), then we usually login to the SRM or EP portal to access these corresponding document. In order to analyze further - we also have to check the SRM system to crosscheck if the issue is with any custom code put into the BADI’s (Business AddIns).
To debug this scenario we would have to perform certain set of activity that is causing the error like ordering the PO etc. in the portal login which then calls the SRM system where the actual processing is done. To achieve this we will be using the external debugging option that SAP has provided. (In other words, we can say that to find the RCA we have to debug the SRM/EP objects in their corresponding landscape and that require few settings as explained below).
Steps to Debug Scenario
1. Make sure that the user id in the debugger is same as the one used for logging into the portal, reason being this is the user which will be calling the SRM system and performing the backend processing. This can be done in the menu path:-
Goto utilities->settings from within an ABAP development object. Make sure the user id you are using to login to portal is a dialog user and has debug authorizations.
Please see the below snapshot for further reference:
2. Use the external breakpoint to place debug points in the BADI’s or programs we want to debug. Please refer to below snapshot:
3. Now we Go to transaction SICF to activate external debugging. Please refer to below snapshot:
4. We are good to go and do the debug. Now start the process again from the portal and it should trigger the SRM system in debug mode.