The purpose of JE posting is to take a batch, validate it for consistency, and create FI documents and post those entries in various line item accounts needed for subsequent business processing.
JE Posting is a process that with a few exceptions runs "behind the scenes" (without user dialog) and is the heart of Journal Entry. It receives journal entry data (representing financial transactions) from the PRA modules (Valuation, Revenue Distribution, etc.), and summarizes them in batches and posts them to the PRA JE line item tables and to SAP FI. JE Posting is the link between the journal entries coming from PRA applications and the FI documents and JE line item table items that are created.
The JE Posting Module is automatically called by the various PRA application areas. For example, whenever you create a Valuation, Revenue Distribution, Checkwrite, Check Input, Tax and Royalty, Owner Suspense, or Accounts Receivable document, the JE Posting Process is automatically triggered, but the standard postings limited in such a way that it can’t handle mass upload of the JE records for various business needs like periodically post entire leasing documents and costs associated to it into SAP FI . Also, the standard SAP JE backend upload program provides the ability to rejected / errored out entries corrected online and it is a manual and tedious effort. This can be simplified by using this JE Fiori upload application by mass upload of the rejected records by downloading, correcting and uploading again
The need is to have an JE Fiori upload application so that the end users can validate, park / post the various financial records into SAP FI with ease , simplified and with great user experience.